"She's the gin to my tonic"

"She's the gin to my tonic"

Offering celebrant services with just the right amount of cringe to the Gold Coast and surrounds

Hi! I am a 30 something celebrant based on the Gold Coast with approximately 5 true loves of my life –

1. My Daughter
2. ALL Dogs (especially my own)
3. Christmas Movies
4. Dairy Free Chocolate (a girl’s gotta do, right)

5. Obsessive List Making

Having spent some time with this statement, I realise I also love –

6. Coffee
7. Frankie Magazine
8. Meditation and mind maps
9. Harry Potter and
10. ALL Carbohydrates, obvs.

Oh – and planning the ultimate hitching; that’s heavy on uniqueness and good times! If you think I’m your gal, drop me a line and let’s get this love fest started.

Hi! I am Michelle (She/Her), a 30 something celebrant based on the Gold Coast with approximately 5 true loves of my life –

1. My Daughter
2. ALL Dogs (especially my own)
3. Christmas Movies
4. Dairy Free Chocolate (a girl’s gotta do, right)

5. Obsessive List Making

Having spent some time with this statement, I realise I also love –

6. Coffee
7. Frankie Magazine
8. Meditation and mind maps
9. Harry Potter and
10. ALL Carbohydrates, obvs.

Oh – and planning the ultimate hitching; that’s heavy on uniqueness and good times! If you think I’m your gal, drop me a line and let’s get this love fest started.
